Fibers365 bioeconomy model
carbon neutral cellulose
and lignin production
De-centralized SteamFiber plants regionally source their feedstock from annual plants and harvesting by-products, Fibers365 cellulose pulp and Lignin365 are produced "on farm". Production side-streams are treated in biogas plants to produce bio-methane for energy self-sufficient operation. Digestion residues, rich in mineral and organic compounds, are re-cycled to agricultural land balancing humus and nutrition demands. Considering agricultural integration, energetic and carbon storage aspects the award winning Fibers365 Bioeconomy Model balances better than carbon neutral.

SteamFiber plants
modular design
de-centralized setup
Our SteamFiber plants have a standardized and modular design and setup, ideal for de-centralized sites with processing capacities from 10k to 30k tons of dry biomass per year.
The basic SteamFiber10 model produces 5.000 tons of Fibers365 cellulose pulp and 500 tons of Lignin365 per year on a footprint less than 2,000 m .