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Hereby we inform you of the collection of personal information/data, in general, and specifically when using this website. Personal information/data includes all data, which you specify about your person, such as name, address, phone number, birth date, eMail address, user behavior, etc. 

We process your data solely according to the statutory provisions: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The protection of your personal data is of utmost importance to us.

Collection and utilization of personal data 

When contact is made via eMail, our contact form or personal, the data you willingly give (Your eMail address, possibly your name, your address, and phone number) will be saved in order to respond to your inquiry. 

Additionally to our website we offer various further services. In order to perform these services, you are usually required to provide further personal data. 

The data provided by you in this context will be deleted by us after the saved data is no longer of necessity, or the processing will be restricted if there is a legal obligation to retain data. When the legal obligation to retain data expires, your personal data will be deleted, provided you have not explicitly agreed to any further use or no legal base for the further processing of your data is given.

Data collection during your visit to our website 

During a simple visit to our website – meaning when you do not fill out a contact form, or relay information to us in another way – we only gather the data your browser transmits to our servers. Only data, which is technologically necessary for us, to be able to display the website to you and ensure the stability and safety of our website, will be collected. The legal basis for this is given within Art. 6 para. 1 letter f GDPR. 

The following data is gathered during a visit to our website:

  • IP-address

  • Date and time of the request

  • Time zone difference to Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)

  • Content of the request (concrete page)

  • Access status/ HTTP status code

  • The amount of data transmitted respectively

  • Website, from which the request is made

  • Browser

  • Operating system and its surface

  • Language and version of the browser software

Use of cookies 

In addition to the data mentioned above, cookies will be saved on your computer due to the use of our website, but only cookies that are necessary will be set. Cookies are small text files, which are saved on your hard drive, in order to design your visit on our website attractively for you and to facilitate the optimal use of certain offered functions and services. Cookies neither run programs nor transmit viruses onto your computer. They particularly serve to make our internet offering more user-friendly and more effective. 

Our Website uses session cookies and persistent cookies. These terms will be explained here: 

Session cookies are automatically deleted when you close your browser. These cookies save the so-called session-ID, with which different requests of your browser within a whole session can be assigned. Session cookies will be deleted when you either log out or close your browser. 

Persistent cookies are automatically deleted after a fixed time, which can vary depending on the cookie. These cookies remind our browser of your preferred contents and settings if you visit our website again. The saving duration can be found in the overview in the cookie settings of your browser. Additionally, you can delete the cookies in the safety settings of your browser at any time. 

It is possible to configure your browser settings, for example, to decline the receiving of cookies. If you want to know how to take these steps, please use the help function in your browser. 

However, we point out that by not accepting cookies, perhaps not all functions of our website will be available.

Information Disclosure 

In the course of the order processing and the fulfillment of a contract, we will transmit your data to service providers, who work on our behalf, in particular shipping companies and credit institutes, if such are required for the delivery and payment of the ordered service. For the transaction of payments, we handover the gathered payment information to the credit institutes charged with them and if necessary, to commissioned payment service providers. Commissioned shipping companies are provided with, inter alia, your email address, and your phone number, so they can reach out prior to the delivery concerning pre-shipment notification or delivery coordination. 

Furthermore, we disclose your data for the fulfillment of our tax obligations to our tax consultant. 

You can revoke (in whole or in parts) approval given by you at any time, for example via a notification send to our email address In the case of a revocation, your indicated data will be deleted by us, provided they aren’t necessary for other causes or you have not explicitly agreed to any further use of your data. Further, your data will be deleted if there is no legal basis for the further processing of your data.

Google web fonts 

On this web page, Google Web Fonts (Google LLC., 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA) are implemented, in order to display fonts online. 

When accessing a site your browser loads the necessary Web Fonts in your browser cache, to display texts and fonts correctly. For this purpose, the browser used by you needs to connect to the servers of Google. Hereby Google gains knowledge of your IP-address being used to access our webpage. The utilization of Google Web Fonts occurs on behalf of the interest of a uniform and appealing presentation of our online presence. This represents a legitimate interest according to Art. 6 para. 1 letter f GDPR. If your browser does not support Web Fonts, a standardized font will be used by your computer. 

Through the use of Google Web Fonts, an external server from Google in the US will be accessed for the utilization of this offer, which in theory means that Google will be informed about your use of this offer. For further information about data protection visit

Postal advertising 

We reserve the right to use your first and last name as well as your mailing address for our own advertising purposes (for example for mailing offers or information about our products via letter post). This serves to preserve – in the course of a balancing of interests – mostly justified interests in making contact with customers. 

This advertising mail is rendered on our account by service providers. Therefore, we will transmit your data to them.

Rights of the person affected 

We notify you at this point of your rights as the person affected:

  • Rights of access and rectification as defined by Art 15 GDPR,

  • Right of correction or deletion as defined by Art 16 and Art 17 GDPR,

  • Right of restriction of the processing as defined by Art 18 GDPR,

  • Right of data portability as defined by Art 20 GDPR,

  • Right to object to the processing as defined by Art 21 GDPR.

You can exercise your rights mentioned above, at any time, in whole or in part, by sending an informal letter, without listing any reasons, by letter post, or email to the contact data above of the responsible authority or rather the data protection commissioner. 

We request, that if you oppose your personal data being processed further, you state your reasons for the objection, and why we should no longer process your personal data. In case of your valid objection, we will examine the situation and will either stop the processing of your data, adjust it or inform you about our mandatory, protection worthy reasons, based on which we will continue the data processing. 

If you are convinced, that the processing of your personal data is against the data protection law or that your data protection rights have been compromised in any way, you furthermore have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority.

Right to object 

Insofar we process personal data to preserve in the course of a balancing of interests mostly justified interests, you can object in writing to the processing wholly or partly, with effect for the future, without giving any reason. If the processing takes place for the purpose of direct marketing, you can exercise this right at any time as described above. Insofar the processing serves other purposes, your right to object remains, if you are able to present reasons which are a result of your very own personal situation. 

After executing your right to object, your personal data will no longer be processed for these purposes, unless we are able to prove protection worthy reasons for the processing, which outweigh your personal interests, rights, and freedoms or if the processing serves the assertion, exertion or defense of legal claims.

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